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Selectmen Minutes 12/04/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 4, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Chairman Colbert was excused.

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm

SUBJECT: 2008 budget proposals
PRESENT: Budget Committee members – Lisa Drouse, Lucille Noel, John Martell, and Norm Larochelle.  Scott Marston and Bruce Dyke arrived later.

Forestry Budget – Warden Stock presented information on two warrant articles.  The first is for tools and equipment to outfit the forestry truck, purchased last year through impact fees.  The complete list totaled $8999.27.  This equipment has been asked to purchase through impact fees, no decision to date on that request.  The Board was waiting for the Warden and Chief to review the list for completeness.  

Questions raised were –  
How are we fighting forest fires now if we have no tools?  Mr. Stock responded the department has some tools, some that are in need of replacement and this will give the department a mobile supply cache.  The truck does respond mutual aid.

Selectman MacCleery asked if the Warden has met with the Chief yet on this outstanding impact fee request.  They have not.  Selectmen DeBold asked the Fire Chief for his opinion of the equipment list.  Chief Vien stated there is a radio in the truck now and he agrees with the Warden that this is a good outfitting of this vehicle.

Selectman MacCleery asked if the expense line in the operating budget could be reduced for next year or perhaps some of the equipment is purchased from the remaining money in this year’s budget.  Mr. Stock responded he has expectations of spending those funds for deputy warden training and other needed items.

The second warrant article is a 50/50 matching grant for $2060.00; the town’s portion would be $1030.00, to purchase twenty pair of overpants for the firefighters to wear when battling a forest fire.  These pants are much lighter than the traditional turnout gear pants.

After further discussion on the operating budget expenses for the forestry department, the group requested the warden consider reducing the administration line by $500.00, as this is a reimbursable expense from the State should a forest fire occur.

Fire Department – The ambulance replacement and the breathing apparatus was once again discussed at length.  The Budget Committee and Selectmen supported retaining both ambulances and pursuing the option with the Town of Newcastle for purchasing some of their spare bottles and air packs to get the town through a couple more years with these replacements and further to establish a Capital Reserve Fund for prudent funding of this complete equipment replacement.

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BOS minutes
December 4, 2007


Selectmen MacCleery brought forward further information received regarding the alleged zoning violation at 245 Horse Corner Road.  From the documentation reviewed this evening, the Selectmen concurred the property is running a business without a Home Occupation Permit from the Planning Board.  Lisa was directed to begin a second complaint and forward this information to the Planning Board.

The Selectmen discussed a request from Andrea Deachman to hold a Songs of the Season Concert in the grange hall on December 22, 2007.  Motion Selectman DeBold second Selectman MacCleery to approve the request from Ms. Deachman. This concert will benefit the Food Pantry and the Secret Santa Fund.  

Selectman DeBold reported the roof repair at the snack shack has not occurred yet.  The hood vent must be installed in the building first.  This will require a hole being cut in the roof.  The youth association is working on this half of the project.

Selectman DeBold reported that he and Pittsfield Selectman Ed Vien continue to mark the bounds for the town line perambulation.  Last week was very successful with five bounds being located.    

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.  All mail and correspondence was reviewed.

The Board approved the minutes of November 27, 2007 as corrected.  

Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:37PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens
Administrator                                   APPROVED AS WRITTEN
David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery